1.   Candela develops medical laser systems and is establishing a chain of cosmetic clinics based on the lasers.

2.   Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the U.S.

3.   The laser systems and currently less expensive,but the radar systems are more effective at detecting dirty vehicles and operating in adverse weather conditions.

4.   An old favorite he has returned to is GSI Lumonics, a Canadian manufacturer of laser systems for semiconductors and medical equipment.

5.   As the shuttle crew retrieves Spartan, the astronauts plan to evaluate the accuracy of a new video and laser guidance system.

6.   Bad weather over much of the last six weeks had hampered the laser systems used by most NATO bombs.

7.   Behind the airport screen near the luggage conveyor belt, COLOR has microcomputer-based instruments that control the entire laser system.

8.   Boeing and its partners plan to refine the laser system for the Air Force over the next six years.

9.   Boeing and its partners plan to refine their laser system for the Air Force over the next six years.

10.   A laser system transfers the computer image directly to film.

n. + system >>共 804
computer 5.46%
school 2.85%
defense 2.63%
missile 2.33%
justice 2.00%
pressure 1.82%
tax 1.74%
security 1.68%
cable 1.60%
control 1.49%
laser 0.22%
laser + n. >>共 288
beam 13.97%
surgery 9.84%
treatment 5.64%
system 5.09%
disc 3.99%
weapon 3.85%
technology 3.51%
show 3.03%
pointer 2.41%
light 1.86%
每页显示:    共 74