1.   These are velnerable to weather problems and provide less accurate measurements,but they do not require special roadway installations,other other than well-maintained lane markings.

2.   And the Boston Transportation Department began changing signs and lane markings or seeking other ways to reduce the risk at dangerous locations.

3.   Other drivers frequently ignore lane markings, which can obscure them and can sometimes make them redundant.

4.   The state will look at using different materials for lane markings, as well as making the lines wider to make them easier to see.

5.   Lebanese highways often have no lighting, no speed limit and no lane markings.

6.   The heavy treads wiped out lane markings, which will have to be repainted.

n. + marking >>共 67
lane 6.38%
metronome 4.26%
road 4.26%
runway 4.26%
ballot 3.19%
army 2.13%
bill 2.13%
border 2.13%
bore 2.13%
chalk 2.13%
lane + n. >>共 67
change 18.24%
violation 8.18%
line 6.92%
marker 5.66%
marking 3.77%
restriction 3.77%
road 3.77%
traffic 2.52%
divider 1.89%
closing 1.89%
每页显示:    共 6