1.   A gathering of family and friends lamented the deaths of the two pilots.

2.   The nation lamented the death of its great war leader.

3.   Ken began to lament the death of his only son.

4.   As a result, conservationists lament the death of even one right whale, to say nothing of the five that have died in the Southeast this year.

5.   He lamented the death of the Soviet Union.

6.   Some lament the death of the book, others applaud it and rejoice in the frontier before us, as exciting as the Wild West once was.

7.   Jashari has become a legend in the rebel movement, with folk songs praising his heroism and lamenting his death.

8.   The ambasassador lamented the death of the policeman who was killed, according to the foreign ministry, when a speedboat attacked his helicopter Wednesday off Cape Trafalgar.

9.   The Sporting Life printed a mock obituary and Punch ran a cartoon lamenting the death of English cricket.

10.   UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Saturday lamented the death of North Korean President Kim Il-Sung, calling him a historic figure.

v. + death >>共 503
cause 10.85%
report 9.85%
follow 5.99%
confirm 5.35%
investigate 4.68%
face 3.55%
blame 3.07%
announce 2.78%
mourn 2.60%
avenge 2.20%
lament 0.16%
lament + n. >>共 216
lack 12.14%
loss 11.01%
fact 6.07%
absence 2.09%
death 1.90%
decline 1.90%
state 1.90%
passing 1.71%
failure 1.71%
change 1.52%
每页显示:    共 10