1.   Also, confidence gauges tend to lag growth because consumers shape their perception of the U.S. economy and their financial prospects based on other pieces of economic information.

2.   Analysts said profit from its interests in utilities, ferries and hotels will lag earnings growth in other industries.

3.   European appetite for asset-backed bonds, which for years has lagged the growth in securitization seen in the U.S., has surged this year.

4.   Gains in earnings will lag growth in sales because of an increase in borrowing costs.

5.   It is humiliating for a company to raise its payout and then later have to lower it, and payout increases therefore often lag earnings growth.

6.   Production of non-durable goods, including food and tobacco, continues to lag growth elsewhere in the economy as high unemployment and low wages affect consumer purchasing power.

7.   Sales rose because of a weakening Swiss franc and as accelerating revenue at the former Sandoz drug unit offset lagging growth at Ciba, analysts said.

8.   The committee has been working to promote direct investment in China, which committee administrator Monika Luetzow conceded has lagged the growth in trade between the two countries.

9.   The European market for asset-backed bonds, which for years has lagged the growth in securitization seen in the U.S., has surged this year.

10.   Lagging economic growth and rapidly increasing populations are posing a serious threat to Pacific island living standards, a major economic study of the region released here Sunday concludes.

v. + growth >>共 699
slow 6.79%
spur 4.62%
stimulate 4.51%
boost 3.36%
show 3.06%
promote 2.72%
see 2.68%
encourage 2.14%
expect 2.01%
fuel 1.99%
lag 0.11%
lag + n. >>共 155
market 7.67%
sale 6.77%
index 4.29%
expectation 4.29%
gain 3.61%
competitor 2.71%
performance 2.48%
week 2.26%
rival 2.26%
growth 2.26%
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