1.   She had brought a book, a feminist critique of Victorian lady novelists.

2.   In the past he dallied with actresses and lady novelists.

3.   Similarly, you should avoid terms such as poetess, actress, lady novelist, etc., which are all asymmetrical with the male-counterpart term.

4.   Some lady novelists were rather silly, and she herself had written a rather scathing article about silly lady novelists.

n. + novelist >>共 27
romance 17.59%
crime 16.67%
first-time 12.96%
spy 10.19%
mystery 9.26%
horror 3.70%
lady 3.70%
millionaire 2.78%
pulp 2.78%
woman 2.78%
lady + n. >>共 115
friend 9.95%
room 8.53%
prioress 5.21%
luck 4.27%
love 3.79%
bug 2.84%
man 2.84%
novelist 1.90%
doctor 1.42%
competition 1.42%
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