1.   Boston employers are facing an acute labour shortage with potentially serious consequences for economic growth.

2.   During the war, there was a severe labour shortage, so women began doing jobs they had never done before.

3.   However, the co-existence of unemployment and labour shortage in different places is a cost to the whole society.

4.   Immigrants came into the country to fill the labour shortage.

5.   This, combined with the economic upturn means that increasingly, there are skills and labour shortages.

a. + shortage >>共 249
severe 10.98%
acute 7.94%
serious 5.69%
housing 5.41%
chronic 5.35%
labour 3.51%
critical 2.93%
widespread 2.24%
funding 1.84%
nursing 1.73%
labour + n. >>共 366
party 7.95%
leader 7.53%
government 6.19%
cost 4.38%
movement 4.03%
force 3.80%
camp 2.88%
shortage 2.34%
group 2.23%
standard 2.19%
每页显示:    共 61