1.   In some instances an interview with a nutritionist will be desirable in addition to or in lieu of laboratory studies.

2.   Laboratory studies of sleeping doves give similar results.

3.   On the basis of these laboratory studies, meteorites have been divided into three main classes.

4.   These laboratory studies have none the less provided some evidence of relationships between risk and sensitivity.

5.   A series of laboratory studies explored this result.

6.   These results were replicated in two further laboratory studies using different judgment tasks and stimuli.

7.   To directly test the attention focusing hypothesis a laboratory study defined central information with respect to risk in driving situations.

8.   Although the evidence from laboratory studies is sometimes equivocal, the general principles which actually apply to performance of complex tasks in real life appear to be relatively clear.

9.   Three subsequent laboratory studies, however, have failed to show any overall improvement in recognition sensitivity for films which were given high risk ratings.

10.   These laboratory studies have nonetheless provided some evidence of relationships between risk and sensitivity.

n. + study >>共 884
feasibility 13.28%
government 3.82%
impact 3.10%
laboratory 2.69%
research 2.26%
character 1.79%
health 1.66%
two-year 1.32%
field 1.25%
market 1.25%
laboratory + n. >>共 317
test 17.12%
animal 6.79%
experiment 5.35%
study 5.17%
mouse 3.18%
analysis 2.88%
work 2.58%
technician 2.46%
rat 2.34%
equipment 2.28%
每页显示:    共 85