1.   The clinical indices and laboratory measurements were made within one week of having the bowel scan.

2.   Data in the Table show that the scan score correlated significantly with all laboratory measurements except the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

3.   Laboratory measurements of haemoglobin, white cell count, lymphocyte count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, albumin, urea, and C-reactive protein were recorded.

4.   One conceivable laboratory measurement of black hole properties will certainly not be made by astronomers anytime soon.

n. + measurement >>共 158
performance 4.93%
audience 4.58%
radiation 3.52%
body 3.17%
distance 2.11%
laboratory 2.11%
pressure 2.11%
waist 2.11%
satellite 1.76%
gravity 1.41%
laboratory + n. >>共 317
test 17.12%
animal 6.79%
experiment 5.35%
study 5.17%
mouse 3.18%
analysis 2.88%
work 2.58%
technician 2.46%
rat 2.34%
equipment 2.28%
measurement 0.36%
每页显示:    共 6