1.   Calling for the renunciation of the use of force, he also offered to discuss nuclear issues on the Korean peninsula as a whole.

2.   The North had insisted on the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the entire Korean peninsula as a precondition for inspection.

3.   TENSION has returned to the Korean peninsula and warnings of war are filling the air.

4.   Also boosting the dollar were signs of rising tension on the Korean peninsula that prompted traders to sell yen to buy the U.S. currency, traders said.

5.   Among other points of tension in various places in the world some are familiar, such as the Korean peninsula and West and Central Africa.

6.   An armada of Coast Guard vessels was ready to encircle the three waste casks from the Korean peninsula in their voyage to the Concord Naval Weapons Station.

7.   And let it not be forgotten that the Korean peninsula is pregnant with political dangers, too.

8.   And relations have begun to thaw on the Korean peninsula.

9.   And there are periodic four-party talks involving China and the United States as well as the two Koreas, aimed at building peace on the Korean peninsula.

10.   Another round of that would create a major military crisis on the Korean peninsula.

a. + peninsula >>共 136
korean 50.46%
divided 10.29%
northern 8.45%
crimean 2.09%
disputed 1.76%
italian 1.67%
olympic 1.59%
entire 1.51%
southern 1.34%
malaysian 0.92%
korean + n. >>共 820
peninsula 15.18%
company 5.09%
government 2.72%
bank 2.54%
peace 1.44%
official 1.31%
conflict 1.26%
economy 1.21%
woman 1.03%
law 0.98%
每页显示:    共 600