1.   A Wyoming-based group called Stopp, which represents families of people killed in police chases, advocates limiting chases to known violent felons.

2.   Even his continued association with a known felon could result in Martin being disciplined by the NFL, Aiello said.

3.   He must answer to a charge that he violated the terms of probation he received for a burglary conviction by associating with known felons, Brewer and King.

4.   In Tampa, if a face on the street matches that of a known felon whose mug shot is in the system, the police are alerted.

5.   Later, the two known felons were spotted fleeing a trendy shopping mall in Huntington Beach, Calif.

6.   No other ward has two known convicted felons running.

7.   One of those rules forbids them from associating with known felons without the knowledge of their parole officers.

8.   Prosecutors claimed he violated probation by not reporting to probation officers as ordered, by associating with the other two men, who were both known felons.

9.   That, and associating with known felons.

10.   The alleged mastermind of the Konno kidnapping, Ramon Bon Cabrera, is in custody in Tijuana, charged with kidnapping and associating with known felons.

a. + felon >>共 79
convicted 54.23%
violent 13.23%
known 2.17%
nonviolent 1.95%
former 1.74%
suspected 1.52%
accused 1.30%
fugitive 1.08%
repeat 0.87%
fleeing 0.87%
known + n. >>共 1207
case 2.78%
cure 2.53%
if 1.80%
group 1.46%
fact 1.09%
quantity 1.04%
cause 1.01%
drug 1.01%
survivor 0.87%
figure 0.84%
felon 0.28%
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