1.   The congregation knelt to pray.

2.   An old man entered the kiosk, removed his hat, lit a votive candle and knelt to pray before a statue.

3.   As a woman stood up with tears in her eyes after kneeling to pray for her children, I thought of my mother praying for me.

4.   As the technicians worked on the generator, a few passengers rolled out their prayer rugs on the runway and knelt to pray.

5.   Catholics and Episcopalians kneel to pray.

6.   Dooley said the committee is not against prayer and that players may kneel to pray in the team bench areas.

7.   He lit a thin white candle and knelt to pray.

8.   One woman knelt to pray.

9.   Relatives and friends, and even people who did not know Sanchez, filed by the open coffin or knelt to pray for his soul.

10.   This makes the mixing of God and football as ludicrous as people kneeling to pray before Scrabble.

v. + pray >>共 30
kneel 18.99%
gather 17.72%
stop 13.92%
return 7.59%
pause 6.33%
be 3.80%
even 2.53%
arrive 1.27%
assemble 1.27%
better 1.27%
kneel + v. >>共 35
pray 24.19%
kiss 12.90%
make 4.84%
say 4.84%
help 3.23%
run 3.23%
block 1.61%
change 1.61%
clear 1.61%
comfort 1.61%
每页显示:    共 15