1.   Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface.

2.   Add the milk gradually while constantly kneading the mixture.

3.   Knead mixture together until it forms a soft dough.

4.   Knead mixture by hand to blend well, and set aside in a cool place.

5.   With hand, knead mixture into dough.

6.   Sugar, powdered milk, vanilla and other flavours are added, and the mixture is kneaded together.

v. + mixture >>共 319
pour 11.76%
add 6.93%
spread 4.54%
stir 3.75%
bring 3.65%
transfer 3.37%
place 2.30%
use 1.97%
return 1.92%
spoon 1.83%
knead 0.28%
knead + n. >>共 44
dough 45.22%
bread 6.09%
mixture 5.22%
muscle 3.48%
hand 2.61%
clay 1.74%
colour 1.74%
finger 1.74%
time 1.74%
betel 0.87%
每页显示:    共 6