1.   I drew a lot of comfort from her kind words.

2.   Salisbury, Butler and Macmillan spoke kind words.

3.   We thanked the priest for his kind words.

4.   Encourage each other with kind words.

5.   Thank you for your kind words.

6.   His kind words dissolved her sadness.

7.   His kind words were a consolation to me.

8.   The kind words brought a little solace to the grieving widow.

9.   Once, she would have died just to hear a kind word.

10.   Well, first of all may I respond positively to those kind words of welcome that you extended to me.

a. + word >>共 1438
immediate 10.97%
final 3.72%
harsh 3.63%
kind 2.63%
official 2.61%
first 1.83%
right 1.74%
new 1.64%
written 1.62%
angry 1.45%
kind + n. >>共 177
word 42.18%
man 3.23%
thing 2.89%
soul 2.55%
people 2.04%
heart 1.87%
woman 1.87%
gesture 1.53%
one 1.36%
person 1.19%
每页显示:    共 247