1.   If someone, some nice kind person would donate one for us.

2.   People are doing it for him because they loved him very much and he was a very funny guy as well as a kind person.

3.   She were a kind person.

4.   But a kind person observed my concern and said the numbers were dispensed by a computer near the entryway.

5.   In the locker room he was highly respected for being a candid and a kind person.

6.   She was a very kind person.

7.   You are a kind person.

a. + person >>共 616
only 7.21%
first 7.05%
third 3.33%
missing 2.73%
same 2.46%
average 1.99%
last 1.99%
second 1.65%
familiar 1.55%
young 1.50%
kind 0.06%
kind + n. >>共 177
word 42.18%
man 3.23%
thing 2.89%
soul 2.55%
people 2.04%
heart 1.87%
woman 1.87%
gesture 1.53%
one 1.36%
person 1.19%
每页显示:    共 7