1.   He also accused Annan of being too conciliatory toward Iraq, which has invaded its neighbors and killed ethnic minorities.

2.   Prosecution witnesses have testified that Rutanganda killed minority Tutsis who had taken refuge in a school.

3.   Besides, the extremists have also killed minority Coptic Christians.

4.   He has contended that, while his group preaches white supremacy, he did not encourage Smith to kill minorities.

5.   He was also in charge four months earlier, when the United Nations received warnings that the Hutu government was planning a systematic campaign to kill minority Tutsis.

6.   Shiv Sena and Thackeray were accused of inciting the violence, which killed mostly minority Muslims.

7.   Since trials began in December, Rwandan courts have sentenced a dozen people to death for orchestrating a genocide that killed mainly minority Tutsis.

8.   Simon Bikindi shook his head and grinned as charges alleging he composed songs that incited majority Hutus to kill minority Tutsis were read in court.

9.   The station stands accused of calling on Hutus to kill minority Tutsis and opponents of president Juvenal Habyarimana who died in a suspicious plane crash in April last year.

v. + minority >>共 262
target 6.82%
represent 5.68%
protect 5.56%
include 2.90%
have 2.90%
say 2.65%
help 2.40%
recruit 2.27%
bring 1.89%
persecute 1.64%
kill 1.14%
kill + n. >>共 569
people 19.44%
soldier 6.63%
man 4.28%
civilian 3.64%
person 3.01%
policeman 2.48%
woman 1.81%
rebel 1.78%
child 1.75%
hundred 1.41%
minority 0.02%
每页显示:    共 9