1.   He lit a Gauloise and together they waited for the kettle to boil.

2.   Nor would he wait for the kettle to boil for tea.

3.   The kettle boiled and he filled the teapot, set it on the tray and carried it through to the sitting-room.

4.   The kettle was boiling, and he could smell the bracing aroma of frying eggs and bacon.

5.   While a kettle boiled she could set a table, light a fire, and watch over a cooking breakfast.

6.   While the kettle is boiling he scans the front page.

7.   Is the kettle boiling?

8.   Juliet went along to the kitchen where the kettle was usually boiling.

9.   They were waiting for the kettle to boil when the telephone rang again and Helen picked it up.

10.   A layer of bugs three inches deep would rise to the top when the kettle boiled.

n. + boil >>共 114
water 17.39%
mixture 10.51%
blood 9.42%
kettle 3.62%
sauce 2.54%
anger 1.81%
liquid 1.81%
dispute 1.81%
frustration 1.81%
resident 1.81%
kettle + v. >>共 23
boil 20.41%
be 18.37%
begin 14.29%
say 6.12%
sing 4.08%
accommodate 2.04%
arrive 2.04%
boil_over 2.04%
contain 2.04%
continue 2.04%
每页显示:    共 10