1.   They gave her copies of the papers they had written, and she kept close track of their academic record.

2.   If customers have accounts at the hotel, the system keeps a track of all expenditure and payments.

3.   The new funds are to keep clinics open longer and keep better track of inoculations.

4.   How can I keep track on the, the money?

5.   Amazingly, she keeps track, never fretting about what needs to be done when.

6.   And the results, for those who can keep track, are disappointing.

7.   As venture groups retrench in this more difficult environment, many are improving their systems to keep better track of the progress and setbacks at their portfolio companies.

8.   At a news conference Wednesday, Attorney General John Ashcroft said the bureau will keep better track of its inventory.

9.   Azcona keeps careful track of records of his care, signing forms in a shaky print.

10.   Autodesk kept track because some of the customers would try to register the software, which carried the same registration code, only to learn that it was counterfeit.

v. + track >>共 467
lose 12.75%
cover 5.11%
keep 4.77%
leave 4.64%
help 2.96%
run 2.88%
follow 1.98%
jump 1.93%
build 1.89%
use 1.76%
keep + n. >>共 1280
eye 3.35%
job 1.84%
inflation 1.55%
promise 1.50%
record 1.49%
peace 1.48%
people 1.41%
watch 1.18%
control 1.14%
distance 1.13%
track 0.31%
每页显示:    共 110