1.   Exercise keeps me sane.

2.   It is what helps keep them sane, chained to a wall not knowing if they are going to live or die.

3.   It is only that I live in Dresden and that I fight like this that keeps me sane.

4.   And he retains the sense of wry humour which he reckons every newspaperman needs, if only to keep him sane.

5.   He must not forget the small things of life, he concluded, they kept you sane.

6.   And there is Lt. John McGrath, a self-taught artist who kept himself sane by drawing on the wall with his own pus and blood.

7.   At night, I steeped myself in Jane Austen to keep me sane.

8.   But for such a young man, he has a kind of quiet wisdom about him, a self-possession that keeps him sane and sees him through.

9.   But she confesses that continuing to teach also kept her sane.

v. + sane >>共 9
keep 48.15%
find 20.37%
declare 9.26%
deem 7.41%
presume 7.41%
drive 1.85%
have 1.85%
judge 1.85%
make 1.85%
keep + a. >>共 756
alive 10.07%
secret 7.59%
low 5.13%
open 4.09%
warm 3.76%
busy 3.37%
confidential 2.18%
happy 2.08%
afloat 2.04%
simple 1.97%
sane 0.31%
每页显示:    共 26