1.   Keeping my eyes open for that sort of thing.

2.   But a few hours later at a speech before the largest GOP conservative organization, Gingrich sounded like a man who was keeping his options open.

3.   But keeping them open, through corporate sponsorship and an increase in fees, would be one of the biggest changes in the history of the national parks.

4.   In mediation, the two sides try for a refereed agreement while keeping the option open of court action.

5.   Ms. Miller argued that one critical problem overlooked by the Clinton administration is that closing some bases tends to be far more expensive than keeping them open.

6.   So lately, Dole has hammered Clinton on the issue of trust, while keeping open the option of turning up the heat.

7.   Ventilation is best done by opening windows and keeping them open from late April to late October.

8.   The latest fires were fanned by a Supreme Court ruling keeping open a main Jerusalem thoroughfare on the Jewish Sabbath, despite ultra-Orthodox demands to close it.

9.   Under orders from the Federal Aviation Administration, airports nationwide halted all outbound flights, while keeping their runways open for incoming planes.

10.   Under orders from the Federal Aviation Administration, airports nationwide halted all outbound flights, while keeping their runways open for incoming plans.

v. + open >>共 97
trade 12.24%
leave 7.14%
keep 6.12%
crack 3.06%
be 3.06%
throw 3.06%
trading 3.06%
train 2.55%
cut 2.04%
break 2.04%
keep + v. >>共 138
be 41.53%
open 3.17%
inform 2.65%
pay 1.85%
serve 1.85%
focus 1.59%
depend 1.32%
out 1.32%
shut 1.32%
up 1.32%
每页显示:    共 12