1.   Apache basketry and Zuni and Hopi kachina dolls round out the Southwest display.

2.   Check out the kachina dolls at the Heard Museum.

3.   Filipino workers specialize in Hopi kachina dolls as well as Zuni inlaid jewelry.

4.   Here there are glass sculptures of mice as well as Hopi kachina dolls of mice and a bizarre print showing quill-wielding mice laboring over Japanese calligraphy.

5.   Kachina dolls hang from the ceiling over Formica-topped tables and worn, Southwestern-motif carpet.

6.   Soon imitation Navajo rugs, Hopi kachina dolls and other crafts were being sold as handmade Indian products.

n. + doll >>共 106
rag 23.58%
baby 9.85%
paper 8.06%
bobblehead 7.16%
porcelain 3.58%
kachina 1.79%
cloth 1.79%
fashion 1.79%
china 1.49%
kewpie 1.49%
kachina + n. >>共 3
doll 60.00%
mask 30.00%
ornament 10.00%
每页显示:    共 6