1.   The justices did not rule that the law is constitutional.

2.   And he telegraphed that his lawyers in Florida were prepared to file an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court if the Florida justices did not rule in his favor.

3.   A State Supreme Court justice has ruled that car rental companies cannot turn away young drivers because of age, as many do now.

4.   A state Supreme Court justice has ruled that mentally incompetent people in psychiatric institutions cannot be given experimental drugs without first agreeing to take part in the procedures.

5.   Alltel believes it can still prevail by arguing other issues on which the justices did not rule, Frantz said.

6.   All seven justices ruled in his favor.

7.   But if the justices do rule on the case, they should strive for a unanimous, clear decision.

8.   But it offers no guarantee of that, let alone a firm indication of how the justices would rule if they did eventually take the case.

9.   But the garden club detected the same old tree giveaway the justices had ruled unconstitutional before, and its members headed back to court.

10.   But the justices ruled the next year that the lower federal courts lacked jurisdiction and that the case could be brought directly only in the Supreme Court.

n. + rule >>共 750
court 34.26%
judge 21.62%
panel 3.11%
official 2.76%
commission 1.55%
jury 1.53%
government 1.46%
justice 1.42%
authority 1.00%
referee 0.91%
justice + v. >>共 387
be 15.08%
say 7.89%
rule 3.71%
agree 3.20%
decide 2.23%
hear 2.13%
have 2.00%
appear 1.90%
refuse 1.62%
seem 1.62%
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