1.   It is for the justices to decide in each case whether these criteria are met.

2.   Anticipation is high that the justices will decide the issue once and for all.

3.   After Weissberg decides the child support issue, another state Supreme Court justice will decide which parent gets full or partial custody of their daughter, Caleigh.

4.   But if the justices decide not to accept the case, they would leave standing a federal appeals court mandate that the notes be turned over.

5.   But the justices also decided that the Constitution does not bar the execution of mentally retarded killers.

6.   Four justices can decide to take a case for the court, but it takes a majority of the nine members to make a ruling.

7.   Here, the justices must decide if police who want to look for drugs or evidence of other crimes first must inform public transportation passengers of their legal rights.

8.   If the justices decide they do have standing, they must then consider the legality of the NCUA interpretation.

9.   If so, the justices must decide whether to require federal prosecutors to open their books to the defense and explain themselves.

10.   If the justices decide the banks do have the right to sue, they must then consider the law itself.

n. + decide >>共 692
government 7.18%
official 4.56%
company 4.18%
court 3.83%
judge 2.39%
authority 2.24%
prosecutor 1.85%
leader 1.65%
committee 1.55%
jury 1.54%
justice 0.34%
justice + v. >>共 387
be 15.08%
say 7.89%
rule 3.71%
agree 3.20%
decide 2.23%
hear 2.13%
have 2.00%
appear 1.90%
refuse 1.62%
seem 1.62%
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