1.   Orangutans, which are found only on Borneo island, face extinction from illegal hunters and the wildfires that are burning through their food sources and jungle habitats.

2.   Choked by smoke, their jungle habitat in flames and their food lost in the ashes, orangutans on Borneo island face extinction, wildlife officers said this week.

3.   Forest officers have said that because the elephant was in its own jungle habitat when the people were killed, it could not be shot.

4.   In view of the shrinking jungle habitat as a result of economic development, his call for a ban on hunting is most laudable.

5.   Nestled in a large tube-like raft, a dozen adventure-seekers are taken down the Chakranadi River, past ruins and through a jungle habitat.

6.   The Observer quoted Haryanto, a Forestry Department official, as saying tigers prey on humans when their jungle habitat is disturbed.

7.   The wildlife is threatened by the incursion of humans into their jungle habitat, she said.

8.   Their first stop Sunday would be Central Kalimantan province on Borneo, where the jungle habitat of orangutan apes and other rare wildlife has been threatened.

9.   Their jungle habitats overrun by plantation owners and stripped by recent fires, orangutans on Borneo Island are rapidly dying off, wildlife specialists say.

10.   Tigers, made hungry as development depletes their jungle habitat, killed two men last week, the Indonesian Observer newspaper reported Monday.

n. + habitat >>共 133
wildlife 27.86%
forest 5.24%
fish 4.52%
bird 4.29%
wetland 3.33%
jungle 2.86%
winter 2.14%
trout 1.90%
tiger 1.90%
waterfowl 1.43%
jungle + n. >>共 270
area 6.34%
region 6.23%
base 5.78%
hideout 4.30%
camp 3.51%
town 2.72%
warfare 1.93%
terrain 1.70%
border 1.59%
road 1.47%
habitat 1.36%
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