1.   The judges deliberated for half an hour and returned with a unanimous Decision for Groton.

2.   A Palm Beach County judge is deliberating whether the canvassing board should be forced to consider dimpled ballots.

3.   A U.S. judge has been deliberating since August whether to hear the case.

4.   Judges are now deliberating in the case.

5.   Judges are deliberating the verdict.

6.   The judges deliberated for only half an hour.

7.   But on Tuesday the court heard graphic details of the Croat attack on the village as judges deliberated which charges Rajic should eventually face.

8.   The seven judges deliberated for more than four hours.

n. + deliberate >>共 53
jury 46.89%
juror 22.98%
panel 5.28%
judge 2.48%
council 1.86%
committee 1.55%
court 0.93%
justice 0.93%
parliament 0.93%
time 0.93%
judge + v. >>共 595
say 9.56%
rule 7.92%
order 6.05%
be 4.88%
have 3.09%
decide 2.20%
dismiss 1.88%
reject 1.69%
find 1.69%
agree 1.65%
deliberate 0.05%
每页显示:    共 8