1.   His dreaded trip back suddenly melts into a joyful family reunion.

2.   In Santo Domingo, hundreds of people packed the Las Americas International Airport, normally the setting for joyful reunions.

3.   In Santo Domingo, hundreds packed the Las Americas International Airport, normally the setting for joyful reunions.

4.   On Monday, Jones cried during a joyful reunion with her family.

5.   The revelations and joyful reunions have spurred others to start looking.

6.   Celebratory gunfire echoed through the night and prayers were said during the morning, followed by joyful family reunions and feasting.

7.   Celebratory gunfire echoed through the night and prayers were said during the morning, followed by joyful family reunions and festive feasting.

a. + reunion >>共 193
family 45.57%
emotional 5.21%
tearful 4.07%
annual 2.82%
first 2.40%
brief 1.36%
big 1.36%
similar 1.25%
happy 1.15%
temporary 1.15%
joyful 0.73%
joyful + n. >>共 145
noise 6.96%
celebration 6.09%
reunion 3.04%
tear 2.61%
experience 2.17%
moment 2.17%
abandon 1.30%
occasion 1.30%
amazement 1.30%
relative 1.30%
每页显示:    共 7