1.   The U.S. and Russian space agencies plan to keep the two spacecraft joined for nearly five days of crew and equipment exchanges, medical research and ceremonial activities.

2.   Three Apollo astronauts and two Soviet Soyuz cosmonauts joined their spacecraft for two days.

3.   Once the two spacecraft were tightly joined together, the astronauts ventured into the space station to collect air samples and drop off a few supplies.

4.   Once the two spacecraft were tightly joined, the astronauts ventured into the space station to collect air samples and drop off supplies.

5.   The two spacecraft will be joined for five days.

v. + spacecraft >>共 119
build 6.39%
launch 6.39%
send 4.11%
dock 3.20%
put 2.74%
maneuver 2.28%
use 2.28%
join 2.28%
control 1.83%
bring 1.83%
join + n. >>共 886
force 8.02%
team 3.80%
group 3.23%
rank 1.90%
protest 1.73%
government 1.69%
club 1.56%
talk 1.56%
company 1.55%
alliance 1.45%
spacecraft 0.03%
每页显示:    共 5