1.   A notice at eye level inside the bathroom door can jog your memory and avoid some trying mopping-up operations later.

2.   But if you jog his memory, he will see your point before he can help it.

3.   Maybe this picture will help jog your memory.

4.   Perhaps this photo will help to jog your memory.

5.   Something about what he said jogged my memory about an article I had read the month before.

6.   The list will thus serve to jog your memory and ensure that you do not overlook significant items.

7.   These served to establish claims, to recall old friendship, to jog the memory about old times.

8.   Police have planned a reconstruction of the crime tomorrow in the hope this will jog the memory of passers-by.

9.   The sudden shock jogged his memory and everything came flooding back into his mind.

v. + memory >>共 529
have 20.29%
bring 5.09%
evoke 3.35%
refresh 2.73%
share 2.60%
erase 2.32%
honor 2.02%
jog 1.84%
revive 1.61%
stir 1.40%
jog + n. >>共 31
memory 57.45%
lap 6.38%
colt 2.13%
elbow 2.13%
pant 2.13%
shoe 2.13%
suit 2.13%
back 1.06%
block 1.06%
bottom 1.06%
每页显示:    共 54