1.   Although several generations of Gunters have called Cannon County home, the lack of local job prospects has profoundly discouraged him.

2.   Candidates who have the most formal education and who are willing to relocate should have the best job prospects.

3.   Check the comparative cost of living overseas as well as job prospects and wages.

4.   He has meager job prospects and a dim future.

5.   Job Outlook Qualified accountants and auditors are expected to have fairly good job prospects.

6.   Many students now choose to complete an apprenticeship and then pursue a university degree to improve their job prospects.

7.   The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel hopeless about job prospects.

8.   In particular, what would be the job prospects for the men who would be demobilised?

9.   The Sami parliament has called on the government to inject more money into the scheme in order to improve job prospects for the redundant herders.

n. + prospect >>共 269
growth 14.29%
earnings 10.69%
job 9.04%
peace 4.81%
business 4.68%
employment 3.48%
career 3.23%
export 2.09%
investment 2.02%
profit 2.02%
job + n. >>共 366
cut 10.78%
loss 7.03%
security 6.51%
market 6.43%
growth 5.54%
creation 4.32%
offer 3.38%
training 3.04%
opportunity 2.84%
report 2.66%
prospect 1.20%
每页显示:    共 142