1.   Brian put his hands in his pockets and jingled some change.

2.   You jingle your change, dead right.

3.   Does the company lawyer look at your newsroom bulletin board jokes and start jingling the change in his pocket?

4.   They jingle pocket change.

5.   We jingled pocket change.

6.   Earl Woods used to jingle change in his pocket to teach his son focus.

v. + change >>共 560
make 20.65%
see 2.54%
expect 2.31%
bring 2.10%
announce 1.95%
need 1.94%
undergo 1.69%
force 1.64%
want 1.62%
reflect 1.55%
jingle 0.04%
jingle + n. >>共 10
change 30.00%
bell 20.00%
coin 15.00%
content 5.00%
cup 5.00%
jewelry 5.00%
key 5.00%
recording 5.00%
rigging 5.00%
writer 5.00%
每页显示:    共 6