1.   This is the reason you will notice jar lids advertising airtight seals and warning against consumption when the seal is broken.

2.   I unscrewed the jar lid.

3.   And no more punching holes in a jar lid!

4.   Cover with jar lids.

5.   Place spice-filled sandwich bags in tops of each jar and cover with jar lids.

6.   Punch holes in a pickle jar lid and join the hunt for lizards, frogs, caterpillars and, of course, a praying mantis.

7.   When you use canning jar lids, this cake has a shelf life of at least three months.

n. + lid >>共 89
trunk 9.88%
coffin 8.14%
deck 5.23%
toilet 4.65%
jar 4.07%
rear 3.49%
trash-can 3.49%
dustbin 2.91%
grill 1.74%
box 1.74%
jar + n. >>共 20
lid 21.21%
rim 15.15%
top 12.12%
community 3.03%
cream 3.03%
customer 3.03%
date 3.03%
judge 3.03%
lifter 3.03%
neck 3.03%
每页显示:    共 7