1.   Because the dynamics of ice motion are very complex, there are no good methods of predicting the time and location of ice jam floods.

2.   After frequent Arctic chill this month, the current thaw combined with expected rain is raising concern about ice jam floods on creeks and streams around Pittsburgh.

3.   After an Arctic chill this month, the current thaw combined with rain is raising concern about ice jam floods on creeks and streams.

4.   Ice jam floods occur when river ice breaks into large chunks, which float downstream and pile up near narrow passages, particularly around dams and bridges.

5.   The summer temperatures have caused rapid snow melt leading to ice jam floods on tributaries of the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers.

n. + flood >>共 77
summer 16.74%
spring 12.13%
monsoon 7.95%
refugee 7.11%
year 7.11%
stream 2.93%
weekend 2.93%
winter 2.93%
jam 2.09%
river 2.09%
jam + n. >>共 44
band 14.46%
jar 13.25%
flood 6.02%
sandwich 6.02%
box 3.61%
mixture 3.61%
tart 3.61%
cake 2.41%
nut 2.41%
result 2.41%
每页显示:    共 5