1.   And that means the presentation cannot be directed only at a jaded audience of fashion professionals.

2.   Credit Comedy Central for exposing Maher and his fortysomething pals to a jaded young audience.

3.   In order to react, jaded audiences need reality in larger, stronger concentrations.

4.   Kemp draws out the story, piling anecdote atop anecdote until it reaches a pinnacle of silliness that draws a guffaw from even jaded audiences.

5.   Star power having proved unreliable, movie studios are increasingly depending upon the Big Wow to draw jaded audiences into the multiplex.

6.   The World Cup is ubiquitously marketed, but that hype often is intended for a jaded European audience.

7.   Then you leave the dressing room and watch Johnny Cocktails inflict his act upon a jaded audience of clay animation figures.

a. + audience >>共 989
wider 3.53%
large 2.71%
young 2.63%
new 2.51%
american 2.46%
younger 2.38%
national 2.18%
mass 2.09%
larger 1.66%
general 1.64%
jaded 0.12%
jaded + n. >>共 119
audience 4.17%
journalist 4.17%
eye 3.57%
critic 2.38%
palate 2.38%
public 2.38%
view 2.38%
consumer 1.79%
fashion 1.79%
observer 1.79%
每页显示:    共 7