1.   The group accused Pearl of being a spy for the CIA, then later said he worked for the Israeli spy agency Mossad.

2.   U.S. intelligence officials said the Deutch pardon caught them by surprise because they were expecting a possible last-minute pardon of the convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.

3.   Yassin was freed from an Israeli prison last week as part of an exchange for two Israeli spies who botched an assasination attempt on another Hamas leader in Jordan.

4.   Palestinian security officials suspect both of taking part in an Israeli spy ring and helping plot the targeted killing of a Hamas activist last week by Israeli commandos.

5.   Pollard has asked the Israeli Supreme Court to force the Israeli government to acknowledge that he was an Israeli spy and to do more to secure his release.

6.   A Lebanese-born Swiss citizen thought to have been the target of a bungled Israeli spy operation denied Friday he has any links to the guerrilla organization Hezbollah.

7.   A reported Shavit launch of an Israeli spy satellite in January was aborted in the second stage.

8.   A Syrian who passed information to an Israeli spy accused of fabricating some reports has been jailed in his home country, an Israeli newspaper reported Monday.

9.   An Israeli man who said he offered his services to Iranian intelligence in hopes of winning the respect of Israeli spy masters was acquitted of espionage Thursday.

10.   Ex-wife of Israeli spy says she wants to be pardoned by Clinton.

a. + spy >>共 367
former 7.87%
american 5.90%
north_korean 5.78%
suspected 4.59%
russian 4.23%
alleged 4.23%
soviet 3.34%
convicted 2.98%
unmanned 2.50%
israeli 2.44%
israeli + n. >>共 522
soldier 9.04%
troop 8.97%
army 7.42%
official 5.03%
force 3.54%
government 2.92%
police 2.15%
tank 2.03%
security 1.84%
leader 1.69%
spy 0.06%
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