1.   And in the last two days, some Israeli commentators have expressed strong doubts about whether the army will ever be able to move out of the West Bank.

2.   A number of Israeli commentators also agreed that the Oslo agreements now seemed to be dead.

3.   Almost everyone, from Israeli political commentators to daily newspapers, had predicted a shoo-in for Peres.

4.   But Israeli commentators considered it unlikely that Sharon would make any such announcements, or any commitments to resume dialogue with the Palestinians, given the continued gunfire.

5.   But many Israeli commentators are worried that the foot-dragging by Netanyahu and the unfulfilled threats by Arafat are creating a dangerous process which could spiral out of control.

6.   But Israeli commentators found that the specific reference to the elections was the first attempt by the Islamic opposition to directly manipulate Israeli politics.

7.   In the past week, almost no Israeli commentator or politician has explored the Ayyash connection.

8.   Israeli commentators speculated that the Clinton administration would thus seek to support Mordechai in the relatively moderate stance he has shown so far.

9.   Israeli commentators are already mocking him for a blithe boast he made before he departed last week on a trip to the United States.

10.   Israeli political commentators said that they still expected Barak to win on Monday, but that the situation remained touch and go.

a. + commentator >>共 229
political 23.02%
conservative 16.62%
israeli 8.01%
military 3.10%
social 3.10%
legal 2.20%
frequent 1.50%
former 1.50%
arab 1.30%
italian 1.00%
israeli + n. >>共 522
soldier 9.04%
troop 8.97%
army 7.42%
official 5.03%
force 3.54%
government 2.92%
police 2.15%
tank 2.03%
security 1.84%
leader 1.69%
commentator 0.12%
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