1.   Hezbollah seized three Israeli soldiers on border patrol last week, and has taken another Israeli captive as well, contending that he is an Israeli agent.

2.   The bodies had been unearthed overnight from cemeteries in northern Israel, where they had been kept for possible exchanges for Israeli captives or war dead.

3.   The Iranian foreign minister also met with the U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who stopped here briefly to inquire about the Israeli captives.

4.   As Abudaram stood with a group of prisoners, Egyptian soldiers herded together a second group of Israeli captives.

5.   Despite international pressure, Hezbollah has refused to reveal any information about the Israeli captives.

6.   Egyptian soldiers then herded together a group of Israeli captives.

7.   One reason for secrecy was the fear that reports of Israeli atrocities would provide a pretext for enemy troops to kill Israeli captives.

8.   Rish also represents Hezbollah guerrillas captured by Israel and held in Israeli jails pending the return of Israeli captives.

9.   Still, Israel generally avoids meting capital punishment so that it can trade prisoners for Israeli captives held by Arabs.

a. + captive >>共 137
the 12.47%
remaining 9.41%
former 4.94%
freed 4.94%
american 4.71%
filipino 3.29%
western 2.35%
israeli 2.12%
fellow 1.88%
last 1.65%
israeli + n. >>共 522
soldier 9.04%
troop 8.97%
army 7.42%
official 5.03%
force 3.54%
government 2.92%
police 2.15%
tank 2.03%
security 1.84%
leader 1.69%
captive 0.01%
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