1.   Also, Israeli blockades would prevent members from traveling to a single meeting place.

2.   Arafat had previously insisted that he could not act against popular militant groups without some gain in exchange, like an easing of the Israeli blockade on Palestinian areas.

3.   A nearly-three-week-old Israeli blockade has prevented them from leaving town by car except for medical emergencies.

4.   But with Palestinian-controlled areas under tight Israeli blockade, any elections would require considerable Israeli cooperation, and Israeli-Palestinian relations are at a low ebb.

5.   Cheney said he would also ask Sharon to ease Israeli blockades and economic sanctions that have punished innocent Palestinians.

6.   In addition to conducting the extensive airstrikes, Israel pledged to impose tougher economic sanctions on the Palestinians and to tighten the Israeli blockade of Palestinian cities.

7.   It is under Israeli blockade, and was reached Monday night through an adjoining Israeli settlement.

8.   Many Palestinians complain they get little help from this administration, but they also blame the Israeli blockades of Palestinian areas and regular incursions into Palestinian-controlled territory.

9.   Official corruption, Israeli military blockades of Palestinian towns and uncertainty about the future all worked to discourage investment and disrupt commerce.

10.   Senior Israeli and Palestinian officials, joined by CIA officials, discussed details of the proposed truce on Friday, including the loosening of Israeli blockades in Palestinian territories.

a. + blockade >>共 170
economic 15.52%
naval 13.65%
israeli 8.62%
military 5.60%
tight 3.74%
serb 2.30%
russian 2.16%
human 2.16%
crippling 2.16%
strict 1.58%
israeli + n. >>共 522
soldier 9.04%
troop 8.97%
army 7.42%
official 5.03%
force 3.54%
government 2.92%
police 2.15%
tank 2.03%
security 1.84%
leader 1.69%
blockade 0.09%
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