1.   He was sent to the isolation cells and put on a diet of bread and water.

2.   Life in these settings was occasionally marked by appalling cruelties, with children tied to bedsprings, bound in straitjackets, or placed in reeking isolation cells.

3.   Like the other two defendants, Brewer was being kept alone in an isolation cell Friday, Morian said.

4.   Misbehaving meant time in dungeon isolation cells, now used as evidence storage lockers.

5.   Neither the KKK nor CKA is considered a violent prison gang whose members must be segregated and sometimes placed in isolation cells, Buentello said.

6.   Prisoners were allowed to wear only underwear in the unheated isolation cells.

7.   Probably only those locked away in a dark, lonely isolation cell are not aware of the mess in Florida.

8.   Sitting in his office in an elegant former hotel, Sharansky reflected on the distance he had traveled from the moral purity of a KGB isolation cell.

9.   That night he was dumped, nude and bleeding, wrists broken, in an isolation cell.

10.   The isolation cell is long and narrow, with gray cinder block walls, a cold tile floor, and a thin window.

n. + cell >>共 432
cancer 15.01%
brain 12.17%
jail 7.71%
prison 6.97%
tumor 3.43%
skin 3.37%
muscle 2.81%
police 1.83%
heart 1.45%
islet 1.39%
isolation 1.15%
isolation + n. >>共 54
cell 19.50%
play 11.00%
ward 11.00%
unit 7.50%
room 6.00%
wing 6.00%
booth 3.00%
tank 2.50%
game 2.00%
hospital 2.00%
每页显示:    共 39