1.   But a few irregularities have surfaced.

2.   But irregularities surfaced during the investigations, and Chief Public Prosecutor Ramses Cuestas Gomez took Leonel Machuca off both cases and named two new investigators.

3.   The former employee, who initially was suspended without pay when the irregularities surfaced last May, was formally dismissed at the end of last year, officials said.

4.   The Sumitomo president said irregularities surfaced in March during a probe launched with the British and US authorities in December.

n. + surface >>共 450
report 8.18%
allegation 6.13%
name 6.07%
problem 4.91%
evidence 4.57%
rumor 2.73%
issue 2.59%
scandal 1.77%
tension 1.50%
question 1.36%
irregularity 0.27%
irregularity + v. >>共 56
be 51.10%
occur 9.19%
mar 6.62%
make 2.21%
include 1.84%
take 1.84%
surface 1.47%
have 1.10%
go 1.10%
persist 1.10%
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