1.   His two rivals, Norodom Ranariddh and Sam Rainsy, say the irregularities marred the voting and counting and are demanding a review of the results.

2.   One group member said elections for cheerleader spots and other activities have been marred by irregularities.

3.   To be sure, elections in the developing countries of the former Soviet Union have been marred by irregularities.

4.   Although deputies managed to hold a vote during the rowdy session, parliament declared that ballot invalid because it was marred by irregularities.

5.   Also Saturday, the NCA called for a repeat of the month-long voter registration campaign, claiming it has been marred by irregularities.

6.   Fujimori had won a third five-year term last May in a vote marred by irregularities and boycotted by international observers.

7.   Fujimori won a third five-year term last May in an election marred by irregularities and boycotted by international observers.

8.   Fujimori won a third five-year term last May in a vote marred by irregularities and boycotted by international observers.

9.   Opponent Seif Sharrif Hamad claimed the balloting was marred by irregularities and refused to recognize Armour as president.

10.   Salimin Amour of the main Chama Cha Mapinduzi party was declared the winner in elections that some international observers said were marred by irregularities.

n. + mar >>共 197
violence 19.84%
incident 4.72%
allegation 4.23%
charge 3.74%
fraud 3.74%
irregularity 2.93%
clash 2.76%
dispute 2.76%
report 1.95%
tragedy 1.95%
irregularity + v. >>共 56
be 51.10%
occur 9.19%
mar 6.62%
make 2.21%
include 1.84%
take 1.84%
surface 1.47%
have 1.10%
go 1.10%
persist 1.10%
每页显示:    共 18