1.   Each iron atom is surrounded by a little ring of amino acids called porphyrin.

2.   Free of oxygen, the iron atoms of hemoglobin can then trap any local excess of ordinary nitric oxide, making blood vessels contract.

3.   In particular, they looked at the heme group, which contains the iron atom that is essential for the decolorizing reaction.

4.   In the brain, the magnetic field causes iron atoms inside hemoglobin molecules, which transport oxygen through the blood, to emit radio pulses.

5.   In this form it is not mopped up by the iron atoms in hemoglobin.

6.   It too has a single iron atom surrounded by a dozen neighbors, but in this case the unit pattern is a hexagonal prism.

7.   The iron atoms also act as bar magnets, and the directions of the magnetic fields usually alternated from layer to layer.

8.   The iron atom in hemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood.

9.   The material around the black hole is so energetic that the iron atoms emit powerful X-rays in a kind of fluorescence.

10.   The ratio of fluorescence triggered by the two laser beams will reveal the temperature of the high-altitude iron atoms and therefore the meteor trail.

n. + atom >>共 53
hydrogen 21.90%
carbon 16.06%
oxygen 10.58%
chlorine 5.84%
cesium 4.01%
helium 4.01%
iron 4.01%
sodium 2.92%
nitrogen 2.55%
potassium 1.82%
iron + n. >>共 451
bar 12.76%
ore 6.20%
fist 4.32%
rod 3.58%
shot 3.44%
play 2.98%
gate 2.66%
grip 2.30%
fence 2.25%
deficiency 1.88%
atom 0.51%
每页显示:    共 11