1.   This power may be invoked where it would be distressing for the child to sit through certain testimony.

2.   Blanchette said Law invoked the power of the confessional and admonished him to keep the abuse a secret.

3.   Both houses of the Legislature can issue subpoenas, but in recent decades they have seldom invoked this power.

4.   Bush has said he will invoke presidential powers to send striking workers back to work.

5.   But at a news conference, Clinton indicated Wednesday that he had no plans to invoke those powers.

6.   Despite all the rituals he has observed and the sacred powers he has invoked, Khonen loses Leah to another man her father has chosen for her.

7.   Easley hustled to invoke emergency powers to create a contingency fund that was siphoned from various state agencies and trust funds to plug the budget hole.

8.   Festivals and ceremonies, including ritual dancing, may then have invoked supernatural powers to ensure a successful harvest if everyone pulled together.

9.   Gov. Gray Davis went to Washington and Energy Secretary Bill Richardson invoked emergency powers to force generating companies to provide more electricity.

10.   He made the comments Friday after invoking his power to appoint a special board to resolve a mechanics contract dispute at Northwest.

v. + power >>共 573
have 20.01%
take 4.91%
use 3.56%
seize 3.15%
lose 2.86%
share 2.65%
give 2.29%
restore 2.17%
wield 2.06%
hold 1.74%
invoke 0.20%
invoke + n. >>共 334
name 9.43%
right 5.31%
law 5.09%
power 3.90%
memory 3.47%
privilege 2.38%
rule 2.28%
image 2.28%
sanction 2.17%
spirit 1.84%
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