1.   She Decided to put the money in a high-earning investment account.

2.   A person who manages investment accounts on a discretionary basis and is recognised by the Panel as an exempt fund manager for the purposes of the Code.

3.   Although the commission has not adopted a strategy for creating personal investment accounts, all of its members have publicly voiced support for that concept.

4.   And if the investment accounts do poorly, they point out, the government would still have to step in with massive financial support.

5.   And divorced women would retain rights to assets jointly accumulated in personal investment accounts during a marriage of any duration.

6.   Another issue is whether the expatriate should keep the offshore funds in a simple bank or investment account or establish an offshore trust.

7.   As expected, commissioners voiced unanimous support for individual investment accounts.

8.   At the heart of the Kolbe-Stenholm plan is a mandatory personal investment account for all workers covered by Social Security.

9.   At least a couple of borrowers already have sold bonds targeted at the new investment accounts.

10.   Because of her low income as a maid, she probably would have outlived a private investment account during her three decades of retirement.

n. + account >>共 622
retirement 13.40%
news 7.26%
escrow 5.63%
investment 5.12%
e-mail 4.34%
witness 4.15%
eyewitness 3.86%
newspaper 3.14%
brokerage 2.52%
press 1.85%
investment + n. >>共 468
bank 10.06%
banker 8.26%
firm 5.00%
fund 4.79%
banking 2.98%
company 2.84%
trust 2.82%
opportunity 2.45%
scheme 2.40%
adviser 2.09%
account 1.25%
每页显示:    共 190