1.   The investigation resulted in criminal charges against three police officers.

2.   As of last Friday, the BCI investigation has resulted in exhumation of four bodies -- three in the previous week.

3.   At least three previous state investigations resulted in allegations of serious abuse.

4.   Boston College officials are not expecting the investigation to result in any additional suspensions, but other players are suspected.

5.   For the first time, Spitzer also said it was possible that his investigation could result in criminal charges against Wall Street firms or executives.

6.   In May, the investigation resulted in the arrests of seven persons on money laundering charges.

7.   Most investigations do not result in a recall, Giles said.

8.   Reilly said it is too early to say whether the investigation will result in criminal charges.

9.   That investigation resulted in an agreement by the state to crack down on the singling out of minority motorists for stops and searches.

10.   That investigation resulted in a three-day suspension of Reliance stock.

n. + result >>共 1456
change 1.54%
problem 1.50%
death 1.13%
merger 1.11%
case 1.06%
charge 1.06%
move 0.98%
injury 0.96%
error 0.96%
investigation 0.81%
investigation + v. >>共 441
be 26.92%
continue 12.66%
find 4.90%
begin 4.35%
show 3.86%
reveal 3.00%
take 2.82%
lead 2.69%
focus 1.99%
indicate 1.61%
result 0.54%
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