1.   Peruvian officials named a truth commission last year to investigate abuses committed by the armed forces, as well as the guerrillas, during the conflict.

2.   Pavel Bret, deputy director of the institute investigating crimes committed by the former Communist nomenklatura, refused to confirm Mlynar was charged.

3.   After a human rights conference in Kabul on Saturday, Robinson and Karzai endorsed the idea of a truth commission to investigate atrocities committed in Afghanistan.

4.   Pavel Bret, who is investigating crimes committed by the former Communists, refused to identify the former leaders, but said more indictments will follow.

5.   The Truth Commission, formed to investigate crimes committed under apartheid, has the power to grant amnesty to people who offer full confessions to politically motivated crimes.

6.   Under French law, prosecutors are allowed to investigate crimes committed abroad involving French citizens providing they have received a formal complaint.

v. + commit >>共 65
use 16.81%
will 10.62%
be 5.31%
investigate 5.31%
come 1.77%
curb 1.77%
cover 1.77%
order 1.77%
ready 1.77%
rush 1.77%
investigate + v. >>共 57
determine 27.08%
see 18.75%
find 3.65%
commit 3.13%
be 3.13%
find_out 2.60%
make 2.60%
involve 2.60%
allege 2.08%
follow 2.08%
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