1.   But when the inversion layer dissipates or breaks down, he said, it can be the biggest factor contributing to intensifying a wildfire.

2.   In one scenario, she explained, wind from the west is kept aloft by an inversion layer created from coastal marine air.

3.   Some may even rise to the top of the inversion layer in the atmosphere and wait there until rain clouds form before the radiation falls to the ground.

4.   The clarity, they said, is due to the same inversion layer that helps create smoggy days at lower elevations.

5.   During the summer, rains and turbulent air help break up inversion layers that trap pollution.

n. + layer >>共 181
bottom 11.78%
cake 10.96%
management 2.74%
rock 2.74%
skin 1.92%
egg 1.92%
sediment 1.64%
cloud 1.37%
inversion 1.37%
carpet 1.37%
inversion + n. >>共 23
en 14.71%
layer 14.71%
directa 8.82%
privada 5.88%
apunta 2.94%
atractiva 2.94%
breakpoint 2.94%
cap 2.94%
conveniente 2.94%
debiles 2.94%
每页显示:    共 5