1.   Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

2.   The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

3.   Before telephones were invented, people were warned not to write letters when angry.

4.   Bell invented the telephone to help humans communicate.

5.   After the telephone was invented and came into common use it took a while before fascinated callers stopped thinking it necessary to holler into the thing.

6.   Alexander Graham Bell had yet to invent the telephone.

7.   Ever since the telephone was invented, phone numbers have been growing longer.

8.   How long was the telephone invented before a pyramid marketing scheme was talked up through a receiver?

9.   Party conclaves reinforce myths, the way the Russians used to claim they invented the telephone.

10.   They built the railroads and plowed the prairies and invented the telephone and shaped much of our music and theater and cuisine.

v. + telephone >>共 197
answer 21.69%
use 10.80%
have 10.61%
tap 7.04%
return 4.23%
work 3.47%
install 1.97%
disconnect 1.22%
invent 1.22%
bug 1.03%
invent + n. >>共 585
way 3.56%
game 3.39%
story 2.81%
device 2.24%
technology 1.57%
machine 1.49%
thing 1.41%
idea 1.24%
character 1.24%
system 1.16%
telephone 1.08%
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