1.   Both increased bone resorption and increased intestinal absorption of calcium occur.

2.   Hydroxylation of vitamin D gives a derivative that will increase intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphates.

3.   Thus a bile salt dependent release mechanism could represent a sensitive and important mechanism for controlling intestinal absorption by motor function and mucosal growth.

4.   Dietary calcium supplementation drastically increased thetotal faecal fatty acid concentration and this reflects the inhibition of the intestinal absorption of fatty acids.

5.   Its endogenous synthesis and urinary excretion have been well established, but no consensus exists concerning the mode of intestinal absorption.

6.   Furthermore, carnitine deficiency secondary to poor dietary intake or abnormal intestinal absorption suggests that exogenous carnitine is important in maintaining body carnitine equilibrium.

7.   It has also been found in the rat that intestinal absorption rates of N-acetyl derivatives are much slower than those of the parent drug.

a. + absorption >>共 67
intestinal 10.22%
fluid 8.76%
net 5.84%
atomic 5.11%
increased 4.38%
full 2.92%
poor 2.92%
systemic 2.92%
total 2.92%
fat 2.19%
intestinal + n. >>共 165
problem 7.58%
infection 7.35%
disease 4.98%
tract 3.96%
disorder 3.28%
cancer 3.17%
mucosa 2.60%
surgery 2.60%
ailment 2.26%
bacterium 2.26%
absorption 1.58%
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