1.   It will allow foreign companies to compete in providing international telephone services, cellular phone service and access to satellites.

2.   Analysts forecast staff cuts and growing international telephone traffic will translate into strong second-quarter earnings at PLDT.

3.   Bimantara Citra, the holding company of a big Indonesian group, operates oil and gas pipelines, hotels, international telephone services and a commercial television network.

4.   After weeks of painstaking legal research, hours of burning international telephone lines, and two costly, nerve-racking trips to Monte Carlo, Akpan won.

5.   BT said regulations prohibit NTT from carrying any international telephone traffic.

6.   But the United States remains the anchor for any global telephone company because it handles more than half of all international telephone traffic.

7.   But the new Rajin Hotel opened for business Friday night, and the first international telephones went into service Saturday morning.

8.   Domestic telecommunications giant Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. will soon be permitted to enter the international telephone market when it divides into three units.

9.   Domestic telecommunications giant Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. will soon be permitted to enter the international telephone market when it splits into three baby NTTs.

10.   Domestic telecommunications giant Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. will soon be permitted to enter the international telephone market when it splits into three.

a. + telephone >>共 751
local 11.45%
long-distance 5.97%
toll-free 2.60%
regional 2.47%
new 2.38%
public 2.28%
home 1.97%
international 1.90%
state 1.74%
national 1.65%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
telephone 0.13%
每页显示:    共 84