1.   Will a new grant scheme be introduced to encourage the building of private sidings or intermodal terminals?

2.   The Illinois intermodal terminal was built specifically for United Parcel Service.

3.   Most loads are headed for major intermodal terminals in Chicago and California, but others are trucked to customers at points in central Maine.

a. + terminal >>共 239
new 17.44%
main 8.05%
international 5.81%
old 2.98%
domestic 1.79%
major 1.64%
dumb 1.34%
private 1.04%
marine 1.04%
point-of-sale 1.04%
intermodal 0.60%
intermodal + n. >>共 30
transportation 10.34%
hub 8.62%
facility 6.90%
shipping 6.90%
terminal 6.90%
shipment 5.17%
cargo 3.45%
center 3.45%
freight 3.45%
mode 3.45%
每页显示:    共 4