1.   There have been repeated allegations that the current interceptor tests have been rigged to appear more successful than they have actually been.

2.   A key factor in his decision will be the outcome of an interceptor test scheduled for this spring.

3.   Critics say the interceptor test is flawed because conditions are unreal and too few tests are planned before a decision to deploy.

4.   Interceptor tests so far have had patchy results.

5.   The next interceptor test is scheduled for April.

6.   The Pentagon is playing down expectations for the long-postponed interceptor test, although even critics of the technology expect a successful collision.

7.   The setback is likely to mean a delay in the next interceptor test, which had been scheduled for April.

8.   They doubt the reliability of a national missile defense and fault the Pentagon for planning only three interceptor tests before recommending a deployment decision to Clinton this summer.

n. + test >>共 1190
drug 14.56%
missile 6.46%
cricket 3.76%
laboratory 3.65%
fitness 3.26%
urine 3.03%
polygraph 2.36%
lab 1.91%
field 1.69%
lie-detector 1.37%
interceptor 0.10%
interceptor + n. >>共 19
missile 30.49%
rocket 30.49%
test 9.76%
aircraft 3.66%
program 3.66%
jet 2.44%
plane 2.44%
silo 2.44%
system 2.44%
base 1.22%
每页显示:    共 8